This chapter will explore how Java developers can get started with OpenShift to develop Java EE or Spring applications. Java is often thought of as the de facto open source, enterprise programming language. OpenShift supports the JBoss application server, which is a certified platform for Java EE 6 development. As an OpenShift Online user, you have access to both the community version of JBoss and commercial JBoss EAP 6 for free. The Creating and deploying Java EE 6 applications using the JBoss EAP and PostgreSQL 9.2 cartridges recipe will cover how to develop and deploy Java EE 6 applications on OpenShift. There is also a community-supported cartridge for WildFly, a certified Java EE 7 application server that you can use to deploy Java EE 7 applications. This chapter will not cover the WildFly cartridge.
A popular alternative to Java EE development is Spring Framework. Spring developers normally use Apache Tomcat to host their applications. OpenShift supports two versions of...