What is CSS?
CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets . It is a type of markup language used to specify the appearance of HTML elements. CSS is actually quite simple, and if you've been able to follow along up to this point in the book, you will have absolutely no problem at all with CSS. Before we get into it a little more, let's talk a little bit about how CSS works.
Ideas behind CSS and HTML
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript serve three distinct purposes.
HTML is used, as we've seen, to create the structure and content of a webpage
CSS, on the other hand, is used to control the site's presentation, or how the page should look
JavaScript, as we've seen throughout the book, is used to handle the logic behind the site
So, when you make a site you will have at least three discrete things to consider—the HTML behind it, the CSS that styles the HTML, and the JavaScript that handles any logic or user interaction. For now, we'll focus on HTML and CSS.
Ideally, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript should not mix (i...