Time for action – plotting a year’s worth of stock quotes
We can plot a year’s worth of stock quotes data with the matplotlib.finance
package. This will require a connection to Yahoo Finance, which will be the data source.
Determine the start date by subtracting
year from today.from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter from matplotlib.dates import DayLocator from matplotlib.dates import MonthLocator from matplotlib.finance import quotes_historical_yahoo from matplotlib.finance import candlestick import sys from datetime import date import matplotlib.pyplot as plt today = date.today() start = (today.year - 1, today.month, today.day)
We need to create so-called locators. These objects from the
package are needed to locate months and days on the x-axis.alldays = DayLocator() months = MonthLocator()
Create a date formatter to format the dates on the x axis. This formatter will create a string containing the short name of a month and the year.
month_formatter = DateFormatter(...