What is interactive music?
A video game requires a lot of music to be created. Anything that occurs in a game could require sound. Many of these sounds can change throughout the game. For each environment and level, you may want to consider creating music that adapts to the player's actions.
Here's a list of game sounds you might want to consider when composing for video games:
- Trailers
- Characters
- Button clicks
- Menus
- Loading level screens
- Entering new levels
- Completing levels
- Music for each boss
- Entering new rooms
- Obtaining items
- Achievements
- Ambient sounds for environments
- Battle sounds
- Cutscenes
- Music that characters are listening to within the game
- Victory
- Defeat
In order to create interactive music, you need tools to tell the game when to change the music. Some game-building software have tools for creating interactive music built in, and game engines are getting better tools every year...