Chapter 5. Roles and Permissions
Every complex system offers various usage patterns based on user needs and obligations. Based on such use cases we can identify specific roles. Moodle is no different in this respect. For example, we know for sure that we must have a person dedicated to maintaining the platform, monitoring, and fixing any issues that may arise at a time—that person should have the role of a general manager or in Moodle terminology, an administrator. Another example would be a user that is a course participant. His principal interest is to browse through all available learning materials and participate in any tasks set for him—this would be learner or student. Each and every role has a set of things that are permitted or prohibited. By assigning users to one of the predefined or custom roles we are defining the spectrum of the options and actions available to them at every location within LMS. It is paramount for every administrator to fully understand access rights as they...