Using local transactions with Oracle Database
We will start by using local (regular) transactions in a Tuxedo application. To keep it simple, the application will count the number of records in the messages
table. This task is not interesting by itself and there are plenty of great resources about using the cx_Oracle
library. While there is nothing specific about the local cx_Oracle
transactions in Tuxedo, it will serve us as a great contrast when compared to global transactions.
Every Tuxedo application needs a configuration file and we will start with the following ubbconfig
*RESOURCES MASTER tuxapp MODEL SHM IPCKEY 32769 SCANUNIT 5 BLOCKTIME 3 *MACHINES "15c365dcb562" LMID=tuxapp TUXCONFIG="/home/oracle/code/09/tuxconfig" TUXDIR="/home/oracle/tuxhome/tuxedo12." APPDIR="/home/oracle/code/09" *GROUPS GROUP1 LMID=tuxapp GRPNO=1 TMSNAME=TMS TMSCOUNT=2 *SERVERS...