Who has your data? Round 2…
The United States Department of Justice (US DoJ) created a report in 2010, which detailed the length of time each major cell phone company retained records of call and text activities by their customers. The report, Retention Periods of Major Cellular Providers (http://www.aclu.org/files/pdfs/freespeech/retention_periods_of_major_cellular_service_providers.pdf), was followed up by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) research in August 2011. The ACLU's goal was to determine how law enforcement agencies used the data retained by the providers. The ACLU found that, of the 230 law enforcement agencies willing to provide information, 217 tracked cell phones with frequencies varying from emergency use only to regularly.
What information about you is available to law enforcement agencies? The answer depends on your cell phone provider. According to the US DoJ report, call and text message detail records are retained for one to seven years, while text message content...