Looking forward
Within the short span of this book, we have covered a whole bunch of techniques that should make us confident about working with different kinds of data and visualizing them in Mathematica. We explored the capabilities of Mathematica for data visualization, and now it is time to start building some of your own visualizations too.
In order to tackle big datasets, you will need to know how to use Hadoop, CUDA, or MPI with Mathematica. This is not in the scope of the book, but there are books and tutorials available online that can get you started.
Mathematica is a good tool for creating data visualizations, but there are other widely used tools too. VTK, Processing, and D3.js are a few libraries that you might want to check out. Though they do not provide a single workspace to do the analysis and visualization together (as Mathematica does), they are well known and worth learning.
Good luck with your exciting endeavors in the world of data visualization!