Pushing and pulling
Now you've created a Remote Repo, it's time to see how synchronization works between the Remote Repo and the Local Repo. After making Commits on the local Repo, the changes are not automatically synchronized to the Remote. This is because changes could be undone, or because the developer doesn't have Internet access. For this reason, new Commits and Branches remain, by default, on the Local Repo only, until you explicitly Upload (or Push). To Push changes, you click the Push button.

Pushing local changes to a Remote Repo
To download the latest changes from an existing Repo and merge them into the Local Repo, you click the Pull button. This updates the Local Repo with changes on the server. In many cases, this is the equivalent of updating the local Repo to match the Remote. But it's possible to Pull down changes into a different local Repo, merging and integrating the changes to make a completely different Repo.

A Pull operation merges the remote Repo into the local...