Being able to share your Prezis so easily is a brilliant feature of the software. However, if you do not take into account the simple points raised in this chapter your design is likely to fail. It probably won't engage your audience as you'd hope it would and this could mean you've wasted an awful lot of time designing it in the first place. Be realistic when you plan your online Prezi. People are extremely busy these days and normally have e-mail, web pages, Skype, and other distractions coming through their computer screens at them all day long.
If you want your Prezi's message to hit home and engage, then make it clear from the start what the user has to do, design your Prezi to look and sound great, and above all keep it short and to the point.
The next chapter looks at importing slides into your Prezi canvas. You might think it would be a sin for a Prezi master to even consider doing this, but in business it's a necessary evil that we have to face in most of our presentation...