DirBuster is a file/directory brute-forcer. It's written in Java and programmed by the members of the OWASP community. It's a GUI application and comes with Kali Linux. DirBuster supports multithreading and is capable of brute-forcing targets at insane speeds.
DirBuster project: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_DirBuster_Project.

The GUI of this tool is straightforward as it provides a ton of options for brute-forcing. It can go up to 100 threads which is amazingly fast, provided that there is proper bandwidth supplied.

It comes with a set of wordlists for different requirements and conditions.
Let us run DirBuster against my website to look around for files/folders:

It found out some directories and files and although there a few false positives, not all results are incorrect. One thing that must be taken care of when using DirBuster is that it generates a lot of traffic which can easily slow down small websites, so the threads must be properly set to avoid taking down...