Basic visualization (graphs)
Graphs allow the user to analyze data quickly by providing a visual view of data. In MicroStrategy, there are a number of graph styles, such as vertical, polar, bubble and so on, depending on the user's needs. The following screenshot shows the types of graph in MicroStrategy:

These graphs can have further subtypes; a Vertical bar graph can be further divided into absolute, clustered, stacked, and so on:

Steps to add a graph are as follows:
Open the document in design mode.
Click INSERT | GRAPH and select the appropriate graph type.
Graph type selection depends on the number of objects in the report, as we cannot display the graphs until a certain number of attributes or metrics appear in the report. The following table displays the minimum number of objects needed for different types of graph:

One attribute, one metric - Vertical Line - Absolute graph
The following graphs displays the amount of revenue generated by various bike subcategories in 2005, on a monthly...