We can share the same ZooKeeper ensemble between Kafka and Storm as both store the metadata inside the different znodes (ZooKeeper coordinates between the distributed processes using the shared hierarchical namespace, which is organized similarly to a standard file system. In ZooKeeper, the namespace consisting of data registers is called znodes).
We need to open the ZooKeeper client console to view the znodes (shared namespace) created for Kafka and Storm.
Go to ZK_HOME and execute the following command to open the ZooKeeper console:
> bin/zkCli.sh
Execute the following command to view the list of znodes:
> [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls / [storm, consumers, isr_change_notification, zookeeper, admin, brokers]
Here, consumers, isr_change_notification, and brokers are the znodes and the Kafka is managing its metadata information...