In this section, you will use the Properties inspector to explore some of the properties available on the Button object using the following steps:
- Still on slide 3 of the Chapter05/takeTheTrain.cptx file, make sure the new button is selected.
- Return to the Style tab of the Properties inspector and open the Text Button drop-down menu.
This drop-down menu lists the three button types available in Captivate:
- Text Button: This is the default. It is a simple button whose text can be customized in the Caption field of the Properties inspector.
- Transparent Button: This is a sensitive area that serves as a button. The Transparent button may serve many purposes and has an Opacity slider to change the amount of transparency. It is typically added on top of a background picture.
- Image Button: This is an image (actually a set of three images) that acts as a button. Captivate provides predesigned image buttons. But you can also create your own buttons in an image-editing...