Dashboard page
Kibana Dashboard is just a collection of saved visualizations or saved searches, which can be arranged in any order. Visualizations can be used on multiple dashboards and changes will reflect to all of them automatically. A dashboard can be saved and shared easily.
Let's look at what Dashboard will look like:

Building a new dashboard
When you click on the Kibana Dashboard page link at the top of the page for the first time, it displays an empty Kibana dashboard that is ready to add visualizations to:

Kibana New Dashboard screen
You can click on the + button with a circle on the extreme right-hand side toolbar to add any saved visualizations or searches that you saved in the Discover page in a tabular format. After you have added the visualizations, you can move the individual visualizations around, edit them, or remove them. You can even resize or drag and drop them as per your requirements.
Setting a refresh interval on the time filter at the top automatically refreshes the dashboard...