Examples of Kanban boards
A Kanban board can, and should, look different in order to visualize the work for the specificities of the situation you find yourself in. Be prepared to change the look of the board frequently in the beginning to find a style that suits you and is capable of adapting to your needs whenever the circumstances change. A good Kanban board helps you to know what work needs to be done and in what order. It also helps you see the weaknesses in your system. If the board can help you find where you have bottlenecks, you can focus your efforts on these areas and improve them.
To give you some inspiration as to what an effective Kanban board might look like, we will now give you some examples of boards that we have come across.
Kanban board example – internal operation
This example comes from an operation department hosting their own application. An ordinary day for them was a mix of daily duties, firefighting, and small projects to proactively reduce the numbers of fires....