Digital evidence and forensics artifacts
The main element of any investigation is digital evidence. Digital evidence is information that could be stored or transmitted to other devices. One of the most critical challenges facing a professional investigator is identifying and finding the right evidence that could be relevant to a case.
Edmon Locard, a pioneer in digital forensics, formulated a forensic science principle as this: Every contact leaves a trace, which means that in any contact between two items, there will be an exchange. For example, at a robbery crime scene, a supposed offender could leave their fingerprints on several objects, their shoeprints on the floor, or even some hair; this could be enough to identify and find the suspect.
When it comes to digital devices, we can apply the same principle. We use digital devices every day, such as smartphones, wearables, smart homes, and IoT appliances, and any digital device leaves traces behind. For example, when you connect...