Building a tower toppling game
In order to build a tower toppling game, the first elements we need to create are the support structures. We already have a Steel Pillar, which will be the strongest piece, but we will need several more. There will be three material types that will each have unique physics properties: Steel, Wood, and Glass. There will also need to be two different sizes, large and small, for variation. Finally, we want the large structures to be able to break apart into small chunks of Debris.
Constructing the Pillars and Debris
We will start by building all the additional Steel Pillars and Debris.
Create a new Sprite,
, and loadChapter 6/Sprites/Pillar_Steel_Small.png
with Remove Background checked. Center the origin and click on OK.Rather than making a new object, right click on
and Duplicate the object. This will keep the properties the same so we don't have to repeat most of that work. Rename this toobj_Pillar_Steel_Small
.Change the...