Processing the voice of the customer
As the voice of the customer is being processed, it is worthwhile noting that all of the feedback is freeform. There is little or no predictable text to be found in the processing of the voice of the customer. For this reason, taxonomies and ontologies are widely used to process the voice of the customer. Stated differently, it is very unusual to use inline contextualization in the processing of the voice of the customer.
Fig 2.10 shows that taxonomies and ontologies are used almost exclusively in the processing done by textual disambiguation in the hearing of the voice of the customer. Taxonomies and ontologies work well where there is free form text.
A final note about the processing of the voice of the customer involves a technology called “fuzzy logic”. Fuzzy logic says that if the quality of the data is poor, than the quality can be improved by making “educated guesses” as to what the author intended. For...