In order to deploy the Kubernetes cluster from the Azure resource manager template, we will use the az group deployment create command. This Azure CLI command requires passing the ARM template (_output\<dnsPrefix>\azuredeploy.json) and the ARM parameters file (_output\<dnsPrefix>\azuredeploy.parameters.json). To deploy the cluster, perform the following steps:
- Execute the command:
az group deployment create `
--name kubernetes-windows-cluster `
--resource-group aks-engine-windows-resource-group `
--template-file ".\_output\<dnsPrefix>\azuredeploy.json" `
--parameters ".\_output\<dnsPrefix>\azuredeploy.parameters.json"
If you run into any problems, you can check the ARM Deployment failure details in the Azure portal by navigating to your resource group and clicking the Deployment: Failed link in the upper...