The basics of matrices and vectors (a short and sweet refresher)
Using Math.Net numerics, you can create matrices and vectors easily. The following section shows how. However, before you can create the vector or the matrix using Math.NET API, you have to reference the library properly. The examples in this chapter run using the F# script.
You have to write the following code at the beginning of the file and then run these in the F# interactive:
Creating a vector
You can create a vector as follows:
The vector values must always be float
as per Math.NET. Once you run this in the F# interactive, it will create the following output:
Creating a matrix
A matrix can be created in several ways using the Math.NET package. In the examples in this chapter, you will see the following ways most often:
Creating a matrix by hand: A matrix can be created manually using the Math.Net F# package, as follows:
Once you run this, you will get the following in the F# interactive:
Creating a matrix from a list of rows...