Questionnaire command and control
Nearly all of the pieces are in place. Note that I used a lot of binding expressions in the Wizard
component so far, but I haven't shown either the top-level view model or how the wizard deals with user interactions. I always like to keep controllers slim and the view controller here is no exception:
// packages/wizard/src/view/WizardController.js Ext.define('Wizard.view.wizard.WizardController', { extend: '', alias: 'controller.wizard', listen: { component: { '#next': { click: 'onNextClick' }, '#prev': { click: 'onPrevClick' }, '#restart': { click: 'onRestartClick' }, '#finish': { click: 'onFinishClick' }, 'wizard-progress button': { click: 'onStepClick' } } }, onNextClick: function() { var current = this.getViewModel().get('currentPosition'); this.getViewModel().set('currentPosition', current + 1); }, onPrevClick...