Implementing a publish/subscribe mechanism with relayEvents()
In this recipe, you'll learn how to implement a publish/subscribe mechanism, where a component listens to events generated from within other components. A very simple console listens to events that occur inside two panels, as seen in the following screenshot:

How to do it...
1. Create a namespace for your code and define a utility function that will be used by your event-handling routines:
Ext.ns('Dashboard'); function WriteToConsole(console, msg) { var prevValue = console.getValue(); if (null == prevValue) prevValue = ''; console.setValue(prevValue + msg); }
2. Create a
class as an extension ofExt.Panel:
Dashboard.Portlet = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { anchor: '100%', frame: true, collapsible: true, draggable: true,
3. Add some tools to the
class and attach theclick
handlers to each tool. Theclick
handlers will fire the custom events defined in the next step:tools: [{ id: 'gear', handler: function(e, toolEl, panel...