Pausing and resuming sound effects
You might want to stop sound effects too. Also, you may want to pause them and then resume them.
How to do it...
It is very easy to stop or pause a sound effect. The following is the code for stopping it:
auto audio = CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance(); unsigned int _soundId; // get the sound id as playing the sound effect _soundId = audio->playEffect(EFFECT_FILE); // stop the sound effect by specifying the sound id audio->stopEffect(_soundId);
The following is the code for pausing it:
// pause the sound effect audio->pauseEffect(_soundId);
You can resume the paused code as follows:
// resume the sound effect audio->resumeEffect(_soundId);
How it works...
can play multiple sound effects. Therefore, you have to specify the sound effect if you want to stop or pause it individually. You can get the sound ID when you play the sound effect. You can stop, pause, or resume the specific sound effect by using this ID.