With a little help from our friends
The last menu on the top menu bar is the Help menu (as follows). So, continuing our exploration of the many wonderful tools on the main Celtx screen, here's where we find some help. The following screenshot shows the options under the Help tab:
The various options under the Help tab are as follows:
About: Clicking on About Celtx on the Help menu gives us the version of Celtx we're running. In my case—as I pound away at my trusty keyboard writing this book in July, 2010—the latest version is 2.7 (released in December, 2009). Other information on this mini dialog box includes a nice movie-style scrolling credits list of folks who worked so hard to bring us Celtx. Let's give a shout out to all those great guys and gals. Thanks!
Splash Screen: Clicking on the Splash Screen selection brings up the same screen we see when first starting Celtx. It's another way to open a new project—there's always more than one way in Celtx.
Online Support: The Online Support...