Time for action - saving a project under another name
Just saving our current file is not enough insurance. Good backup procedure (a series of steps making sure we never lose anything) calls for more than one copy of important projects. The Save Project As (Ctrl+Shift+S) File menu choice plays an important role in insuring we never lose all that hard effort that we put into writing scripts in Celtx (or the work we do in any other program). Here's an example of what I do while writing a screenplay in Celtx:
1. Several times a page, I hit Ctrl+S to save. This is a simple, fast action that quickly becomes habit (a good habit), takes no time at all, and does not interrupt your creative flow. It protects you from losing work because of power blips and computer crashes (the infamous "Blue Screen of Death" on Windows machines, for example).
2. A few times during each writing session, I will save the script under another name, such as
(using the date in the title). This is a two step...