Writing with character and mastering the Master Catalog
Celtx assists in developing important parts of our story such as characters, props, and thirty-six other predefined production categories.
As this old writer learned decades ago, stories are about people. So, we'll jump ahead this once (at least) and look at how Celtx helps create and then track characters and other categories needed in production. Having defined characters makes writing scripts a great deal easier.
Now is a good time to emphasize that while this book is a beginner's guide to learning and using Celtx, it also features many tips about creating scripts and what to do with them after they are written.
Before starting a script, create the major characters by giving them brief biographical histories and motivations to be in the story (like why he or she would risk their lives instead of just running away). Do these for both the good guys and the bad guys; even bad guys need a reason to do what they do.
Now, let's look at...