The Product Configurator template
The main idea behind the Product Configurator application is to let users switch between different options for a product and visualize them in real-time 3D experiences. This type of application is becoming common in the industry.
Unreal Engine has a Product Configurator template that can be used as a starting point to make your own Product Configurator. Follow these steps to use the Product Configurator template:
- In the New Project panel, select the AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCT DESIGN & MANUFACTURING category, and then select the Product Configurator template:
Figure 20.1 – Selecting the Product Configurator template
- Choose a folder and a name for the project, and then click on the Create button.
- After the Unreal Editor loads the project, click the Play button to run the template. The next screenshot shows the main interface of the guitar example that comes with the Product Configurator template: ...