Please use the details from the software list document.
To execute the recipes in this book, you need a system running Windows 7 and above, or Mac 10, with the following software installed:
- Apache Spark 2.x
- Oracle JDK SE 1.8.x
- JetBrain IntelliJ Community Edition 2016.2.X or later version
- Scala plug-in for IntelliJ 2016.2.x
- Jfreechart 1.0.19
- breeze-core 0.12
- Cloud9 1.5.0 JAR
- Bliki-core 3.0.19
- hadoop-streaming 2.2.0
- Jcommon 1.0.23
- Lucene-analyzers-common 6.0.0
- Lucene-core-6.0.0
- Spark-streaming-flume-assembly 2.0.0
- Spark-streaming-kafka-assembly 2.0.0
The hardware requirements for this software are mentioned in the software list provided with the code bundle of this book.