The rating component
Now that we have all players in place, it is time to update our component to glue everything together. Open the component file and update it as follows:
// src/app/rating/rating.component.ts import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {RatingLogic} from './rating.logic'; import {RatingService} from './rating.service'; @Component({ selector: 'sh-rating', templateUrl: './rating.html', providers: [RatingLogic, RatingService] }) export class RatingComponent { private ratingService; private trends; private collectedNews; private ratedNews; constructor(rs:RatingService) { this.ratingService = rs; this.trends = rs.getTrends(); this.collectedNews = rs.getNews(); this.ratedNews= rs.rateNews(); } }
Notice that we have specified two providers in the meta data section of the component: the rating logic and service.
All the heavy lifting has been done inside the previous two classes already. That's why this component...