Testing the solution
To test the solution, make a call to the test number that you configured. When you call in, you should be prompted to enter the agent's extension that you want to leave a voicemail for. Leave a voicemail. When you are done, you can hang up the phone.
After a few minutes, you will receive an email with the voicemail's details, as shown in Figure 10.37. The email will contain the date and time that the call came in, the transcription, the caller's number, and a link to the voicemail recording.
To test that the S3 bucket is set up correctly, click on Click Here to listen to the voicemail. Note that the voicemail will expire. This expiration is based on the settings that we configured when we deployed the stack. The maximum duration that a voicemail can exist is 7 days. This limitation is based on S3 signed URLs and cannot be expanded:
Figure 10.38 – Voicemail email
You have now completed testing of the voicemail...