In this article by Ernest Bruce, author of the book, Apply Pay Essentials, the author talks about actors and operations in the payment processing workflow. After the user authorizes the payment request, the user app, the payment gateway, and the order processing web app team up to securely deliver the payment information to the issuing bank, to transfer the funds form the user's account to the acquiring bank, and to inform the user of the transaction status (approved or declined).
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
The payment processing workflow is made up of three phases:
As, in general, the payment-gateway API does not run appropriately in the Simulator app, you must use an actual iOS device to test the payment-processing workflow in your development environment. In addition to this, you need either a separate computer to run the order-processing web app or a proxy server that intercepts network traffic from the device and redirects the appropriate requests to your development computer. For details, see the documentation for the example project.
The payment processing workflow is the process by which the payment information that is generated by Apple Pay from the payment request and the information that the user entered in the payment sheet is transmitted to your payment gateway and the card's issuing bank to charge the card and make the payment's funds available in your acquiring bank.
The workflow starts when the payment sheet calls the paymentAuthorizationViewController:didAuthorizePayment:completion: delegate method, providing the user app general order information (such as shipping and billing information) and a payment token containing encrypted-payment data.
This diagram depicts the actors, operations, and data that are part of the payment processing workflow:
These are the operations and data that are part of the workflow:
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