Breadcrumb NavXT
By Mtekk and Hakre (
Why it's awesome: Adds a navigation trail of your visitors' current position on your blog
Why it was picked: Clean code for styling, easy setup, and installation

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL: htt p://
Automatic Install search term: Breadcrumb Navxt
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Settings | Breadcrumb NavXT
Used in: Home, posts, pages
Breadcrumbs are a very common feature to help users identify where they are in a website. For some reason, WordPress out of the box doesn't have any built-in methods for dynamically creating this common design pattern. Fortunately, Mtekk and Hakre decided to take matters into their own hands and created Breadcrumb NavXT. This plugin creates a new PHP function to include in your posts and pages templates that generate a dynamic Breadcrumb.
You will find a slew of configuration options that allow you to control...