Creating the site and installing a theme
You might be working on a site you've already created, but I'm working on a brand new WordPress installation so I need to install a theme before I get started. If you're doing the same, follow these steps:
Create your site and install WordPress in the usual way. If you're unsure about this, take a look at Chapter 1, Migrating a Static Site to WordPress.
Go to Appearance | Themes.
Click on the Add New button.
Find a suitable theme by typing one or more search terms in the search box. We're going to use the Baskerville theme, which you can find at or by typing
into the search box.After you've searched for the theme, it will be displayed on your screen. Click on the Install button to install it on your site.
On the Installing Theme page, click on the Activate button to activate the new theme.
The theme will now be active on your site:
Fig 6.1: The theme installed on your site
Now that you have the theme installed...