Chapter 7. WebRTC with Industry Standard Frameworks
In Chapter 2, Making a Standalone WebRTC Communication Client, we saw how to build a web page purely based on HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, that is capable of WebRTC-based SIP communication. However, to integrate WebRTC with an enterprise- or consumer-based application, it is essential that we envelop the WebRTC technology in a web-based application project. This chapter takes us through the process of actually developing the WebRTC web client application.
A service provider or the network operator hopes to benefit from WebRTC by extending it as another communication endpoint. Not only this, WebRTC also gives a new dimension to IP telephony by enabling any service provider to integrate the click-to-call service directly from his website. However, the WebRTC solution will be nonprofitable to a Telecom Service Provider if it isn't resilient, scalable, and able to integrate with the operator's already set-up infrastructure...