The threejs
package, as discussed at the beginning of the chapter, can be used to produce 3D scatterplots or plots on globe mappings (including Earth and celestial bodies). It can be installed using install.packages("threejs")
. In order to produce the globe output that is shown in this section, it is necessary to also install maps using install.packages("maps")
. The finished application tab looks like this:

The code is as follows:
output$globe <- renderGlobe({ if(input$outputRequired == "meanSession"){ globejs(lat = passData()$latitude, long = passData()$longitude, value = mean(passData()$sessionDuration, na.rm = TRUE), bg = "white", color = "green", atmosphere = TRUE) } else {
This piece of code is executed when the user wishes to view the mean session values. As shown in the preceding code, the average of the sessionDuration
variable is found.
globejs(lat = passData()$latitude, long = passData...