Creating Security Policy Rules from the Service Composer menu
In the previous recipe, we created DFW rules using the Firewall Table menu, which is more suitable for static environments. In this recipe, we will create security policy rules from Service Composer, which is more suitable for the application-based policies approach.
Getting ready
In the Service Composer, a security group of what we want to protect must be created first, then a security policy can be created and applied to that security group. In our example, we need to create three security groups and three security policies: one for the Web tier, one for the App tier, and one for the DB tier.
How to do it...
In this recipe, we will create the security group from Service Composer using various methods, and then create a security policy utilizing the newly-created security groups.
Creating a Security Group using Static Inclusion
In this section, we will create a security group, SG-DB-Tier
, for the database VM and use static membership...