Animation using LeanTween
Currently, our game’s menus are completely static. This is functional but does not make players excited about playing our game. To make the game seem more alive, we should animate our menus. Being able to use Unity’s built-in animation system is great, and it can be quite useful if you want to modify many different properties at once. If you don’t need precise control, say, if you’re only modifying a single property or you want to animate something purely via code, you can also make use of a tweening library.
Tweening, short for “in-betweening,” is a common technique used in animation and game development to create smooth transitions between two states or values over a specified duration. It involves interpolating or transitioning a property or set of properties from one value to another gradually.
If it is given a start and an end, the library will take care of all the work in the middle to get that property...