Earlier, we planned out the movie using a graph paper timeline. Unity provides a Timeline tool for implementing this almost directly. Timelines consist of one or more tracks that play over time. Timelines can control many different objects and different types of tracks. As we'll see and explain as we build this project, Timelines can have Audio Tracks, Activation Tracks, Animation Tracks, Signal Tracks, and more. Timelines are a type of Unity Playable.Playables are runtime objects that "play" over time, updating each frame based on their prescribed behavior. Animations are playables too. For more details, see https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Playables.Playable.html.
Confirm that the Timeline package has been installed with your project (ordinarily, it is installed by default) and add or upgrade it if necessary using the following steps:
- Open Package Manager using Window | Package Manager.
- Select...