Writing time series data to a relational database (PostgreSQL and MySQL)
In this recipe, you will write your DataFrame to a relational database (PostgreSQL). The approach is the same for any relational database system that is supported by the SQLAlchemy Python library. You will experience how SQLAlchemy makes it simple to switch the backend database (called dialect) without the need to alter the code. The abstraction layer provided by the SQLAlchemy library makes it feasible to switch to any supported database, such as from PostgreSQL to MySQL, using the same code.
The sample list of supported relational databases (dialects) in SQLAlchemy includes the following:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- MySQL/MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle
- SQLite
Additionally, there are external dialects available to install and use with SQLAlchemy to support other databases (dialects), such as Snowflake, AWS RedShift, and Google BigQuery. Please visit the official page of SQLAlchemy for a...