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TensorFlow 2.0 Computer Vision Cookbook

You're reading from   TensorFlow 2.0 Computer Vision Cookbook Implement machine learning solutions to overcome various computer vision challenges

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Product type Paperback
Published in Feb 2021
Publisher Packt
ISBN-13 9781838829131
Length 542 pages
Edition 1st Edition
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Author (1):
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Jesús Martínez Jesús Martínez
Author Profile Icon Jesús Martínez
Jesús Martínez
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Table of Contents (14) Chapters Close

Preface 1. Chapter 1: Getting Started with TensorFlow 2.x for Computer Vision 2. Chapter 2: Performing Image Classification FREE CHAPTER 3. Chapter 3: Harnessing the Power of Pre-Trained Networks with Transfer Learning 4. Chapter 4: Enhancing and Styling Images with DeepDream, Neural Style Transfer, and Image Super-Resolution 5. Chapter 5: Reducing Noise with Autoencoders 6. Chapter 6: Generative Models and Adversarial Attacks 7. Chapter 7: Captioning Images with CNNs and RNNs 8. Chapter 8: Fine-Grained Understanding of Images through Segmentation 9. Chapter 9: Localizing Elements in Images with Object Detection 10. Chapter 10: Applying the Power of Deep Learning to Videos 11. Chapter 11: Streamlining Network Implementation with AutoML 12. Chapter 12: Boosting Performance 13. Other Books You May Enjoy

Implementing ResNet from scratch

Residual Network, or ResNet for short, constitutes one of the most groundbreaking advancements in deep learning. This architecture relies on a component called the residual module, which allows us to ensemble networks with depths that were unthinkable a couple of years ago. There are variants of ResNet that have more than 100 layers, without any loss of performance!

In this recipe, we'll implement ResNet from scratch and train it on the challenging drop-in replacement to CIFAR-10, CINIC-10.

Getting ready

We won't explain ResNet in depth, so it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the architecture if you are interested in the details. You can read the original paper here:

How to do it…

Follow these steps to implement ResNet from the ground up:

  1. Import all necessary modules:
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import tarfile
    import tensorflow as tf
    from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
    from tensorflow.keras.layers import *
    from tensorflow.keras.models import *
    from tensorflow.keras.regularizers import l2
    from tensorflow.keras.utils import get_file
  2. Define an alias to the option, which we'll use later:
  3. Define a function to create a residual module in the ResNet architecture. Let's start by specifying the function signature and implementing the first block:
    def residual_module(data,
        bn_1 = BatchNormalization(axis=-1,
        act_1 = ReLU()(bn_1)
        conv_1 = Conv2D(filters=int(filters / 4.),
                        kernel_size=(1, 1),

    Let's now implement the second and third blocks:

        bn_2 = BatchNormalization(axis=-1,
        act_2 = ReLU()(bn_2)
        conv_2 = Conv2D(filters=int(filters / 4.),
                        kernel_size=(3, 3),
        bn_3 = BatchNormalization(axis=-1,
        act_3 = ReLU()(bn_3)
        conv_3 = Conv2D(filters=filters,
                        kernel_size=(1, 1),

    If reduce=True, we apply a 1x1 convolution:

        if reduce:
            shortcut = Conv2D(filters=filters,
                              kernel_size=(1, 1),

    Finally, we combine the shortcut and the third block into a single layer and return that as our output:

        x = Add()([conv_3, shortcut])
        return x
  4. Define a function to build a custom ResNet network:
    def build_resnet(input_shape,
        inputs = Input(shape=input_shape)
        x = BatchNormalization(axis=-1,
        x = Conv2D(filters[0], (3, 3),
        for i in range(len(stages)):
            stride = (1, 1) if i == 0 else (2, 2)
            x = residual_module(data=x,
                                filters=filters[i + 1],
            for j in range(stages[i] - 1):
                x = residual_module(data=x,
                                    filters=filters[i + 
                                    stride=(1, 1),
        x = BatchNormalization(axis=-1,
        x = ReLU()(x)
        x = AveragePooling2D((8, 8))(x)
        x = Flatten()(x)
        x = Dense(classes, kernel_regularizer=l2(reg))(x)
        x = Softmax()(x)
        return Model(inputs, x, name='resnet')
  5. Define a function to load an image and its one-hot encoded labels, based on its file path:
    def load_image_and_label(image_path, target_size=(32, 32)):
        image =
        image = tf.image.decode_png(image, channels=3)
        image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, 
        image -= CINIC_MEAN_RGB  # Mean normalize
        image = tf.image.resize(image, target_size)
        label = tf.strings.split(image_path, os.path.sep)[-2]
        label = (label == CINIC_10_CLASSES)  # One-hot encode.
        label = tf.dtypes.cast(label, tf.float32)
        return image, label
  6. Define a function to create a instance of images and labels from a glob-like pattern that refers to the folder where the images are:
    def prepare_dataset(data_pattern, shuffle=False):
        dataset = (
        if shuffle:
            dataset = dataset.shuffle(BUFFER_SIZE)
        return dataset.prefetch(BATCH_SIZE)
  7. Define the mean RGB values of the CINIC-10 dataset, which is used in the load_image_and_label() function to mean normalize the images (this information is available on the official CINIC-10 site):
    CINIC_MEAN_RGB = np.array([0.47889522, 0.47227842, 0.43047404])
  8. Define the classes of the CINIC-10 dataset:
    CINIC_10_CLASSES = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat',
                        'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse',    'ship',
  9. Download and extract the CINIC-10 dataset to the ~/.keras/datasets directory:
    DATASET_URL = (''
    DATA_NAME = 'cinic10'
    FILE_EXTENSION = 'tar.gz'
    downloaded_file_location = get_file(origin=DATASET_URL,
    data_directory, _ = (downloaded_file_location
                         .rsplit(os.path.sep, maxsplit=1))
    data_directory = os.path.sep.join([data_directory, 
    tar =
    if not os.path.exists(data_directory):
  10. Define the glob-like patterns to the train, test, and validation subsets:
    train_pattern = os.path.sep.join(
        [data_directory, 'train/*/*.png'])
    test_pattern = os.path.sep.join(
        [data_directory, 'test/*/*.png'])
    valid_pattern = os.path.sep.join(
        [data_directory, 'valid/*/*.png'])
  11. Prepare the datasets:
    BATCH_SIZE = 128
    BUFFER_SIZE = 1024
    train_dataset = prepare_dataset(train_pattern, 
    test_dataset = prepare_dataset(test_pattern)
    valid_dataset = prepare_dataset(valid_pattern)
  12. Build, compile, and train a ResNet model. Because this is a time-consuming process, we'll save a version of the model after each epoch, using the ModelCheckpoint() callback:
    model = build_resnet(input_shape=(32, 32, 3),
                         stages=(9, 9, 9),
                         filters=(64, 64, 128, 256),
    model_checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(
    EPOCHS = 100,
  13. Load the best model (in this case, model.38-0.72.hdf5) and evaluate it on the test set:
    model = load_model('model.38-0.72.hdf5')
    result = model.evaluate(test_dataset)
    print(f'Test accuracy: {result[1]}')

    This prints the following:

    Test accuracy: 0.71956664

Let's learn how it all works in the next section.

How it works…

The key to ResNet is the residual module, which we implemented in Step 3. A residual module is a micro-architecture that can be reused many times to create a macro-architecture, thus achieving great depths. The residual_module() function receives the input data (data), the number of filters (filters), the stride (stride) of the convolutional blocks, a reduce flag to indicate whether we want to reduce the spatial size of the shortcut branch by applying a 1x1 convolution (a technique used to reduce the dimensionality of the output volumes of the filters), and parameters to adjust the amount of regularization (reg) and batch normalization applied to the different layers (bn_eps and bn_momentum).

A residual module comprises two branches: the first one is the skip connection, also known as the shortcut branch, which is basically the same as the input. The second or main branch is composed of three convolution blocks: a 1x1 with a quarter of the filters, a 3x3 one, also with a quarter of the filters, and finally another 1x1, which uses all the filters. The shortcut and main branches are concatenated in the end using the Add() layer.

build_network() allows us to specify the number of stages to use, and also the number of filters per stage. We start by applying a 3x3 convolution to the input (after being batch normalized). Then we proceed to create the stages. A stage is a series of residual modules connected to each other. The length of the stages list controls the number of stages to create, and each element in this list controls the number of layers in that particular stage. The filters parameter contains the number of filters to use in each residual block within a stage. Finally, we built a fully connected network, Softmax-activated, on top of the stages with as many units as there are classes in the dataset (in this case, 10).

Because ResNet is a very deep, heavy, and slow-to-train architecture, we checkpointed the model after each epoch. In this recipe, we obtained the best model in epoch 38, which produced 72% accuracy on the test set, a respectable performance considering that CINIC-10 is not an easy dataset and that we did not apply any data augmentation or transfer learning.

See also

For more information on the CINIC-10 dataset, visit this link:

You have been reading a chapter from
TensorFlow 2.0 Computer Vision Cookbook
Published in: Feb 2021
Publisher: Packt
ISBN-13: 9781838829131
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