Why we optimize topology
When done correctly, quad-based topology should leave you with a model that is ready for just about everything, but having that freedom and flexibility comes with a cost. This cost is an increased number of faces on a mesh and is most evident on hard-surface models. The workflow we have been using up to this point has had us starting on the detailed areas first, then connecting those areas afterward. You may have noticed that these detailed areas have a lot of curves and complex shapes, but the areas in between that we connect them with are usually much flatter. You can see this transition in Figure 8.1.
Figure 8.1 – Flatness evident in connecting areas
It is in these flat areas that there are a lot of faces that are not contributing to the shape of the blaster. That is our objective when optimizing topology; we are trying to remove as many of these unnecessary faces as possible. The question still remains: why do we want...