Creating a delivery unit
Before we can create any of our developments per se, we have to do a little housekeeping. The very first thing to create is called a delivery unit. This object is basically a container, and is used to transport your developments from the development machine, through to quality and in to production without making any changes (and hence possibly avoiding unnecessary errors) in any machine other than development. It is the basic box used to transport objects together. For readers familiar with development in the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or SAP Business Warehouse (BW) environments, it is the equivalent to the notion of transport order.
This first step is not strictly obligatory; however, it is something you will need to do for nearly every development. It is part of the SAP HANA best practices for development.
From the Quick Launch panel, under Setup at the bottom, select Delivery Units, as you can see in the following screenshot:
The Delivery Units dialog...