Creating new topology with ZRemesher
Just like how DynaMesh produces new topology, so does ZRemesher. However, unlike DynaMesh, ZRemeshing will not close holes in the model or merge close vertices. Rather, it tries to capture an existing shape as closely as possible using a polycount that is determined in its settings.
Before we examine the settings of ZRemesher and what they do, it is useful to know what proper topology looks like so you can judge the results. Proper topology refers to a type of topology that allows the animator to create animations and at the same time gives the modeler something optimized to work with. We will look at proper topology in relation to facial animations.
Important note
Make sure to duplicate your demon sculpt because you will need the original DynaMesh sculpt later to transfer its detail to your duplicated mesh.
Facial topology
Facial topology is the edge flow on the face, which must support the movement of facial muscles and the expressions...