IPython comes with a version of the debugger called ipdb. At the time of writing this book, the differences to pdb are very minor but this may change.
There is a command in IPython, %pdb, that automatically turns on the debugger in case of an exception. This is very useful when experimenting with new ideas or code. An example of how to automatically turn on the debugger in IPython is:
In [1]: %pdb # this is a so - called IPython magic command Automatic pdb calling has been turned ON In [2]: a = 10 In [3]: b = 0 In [4]: c = a/b ___________________________________________________________________ ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-4-72278c42f391> in <module>() —-> 1 c = a/b ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero > <ipython-input-4-72278c42f391>(1)<module>() -1 c = a/b ipdb>
The IPython magic command %pdb at the...