Working with actors in Tokio
This will be the last time we rewrite our
file. However, once we have finished this section, we will have built a basic actor model system. In our system, we will create an actor that keeps track of the orders so that we do not exceed our budget threshold. We then need to build an actor that sends the order, resulting in the following process:
![Figure 14.5 – Our stock order interaction for actors](
Figure 14.5 – Our stock order interaction for actors
We can see that this time round, we need to send the address of the actor that is making the order with the order message. This is a design choice because, in our system, order actors spin up and die quickly after the order has been made. We cannot keep track of the addresses for all the order actors in our program in our order book actor. Instead, the order book actor can get the address from the message to send the response to the order actor. First, we must import the following:
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot...