Troubleshooting crash issues
In rare cases, Redis may crash when it hits a bug. There are many things you can do when the Redis instance crashes. In this recipe, we will see how to perform troubleshooting of crash issues in Redis.
Getting ready…
You need to finish setting up the replication of the Redis Server, as we described in the Setting up Redis replication recipe in Chapter 5, Replication.
How to do it...
The steps for troubleshooting crash issues are as follows:
- Simulate the crash using the
$ bin/redis-cli DEBUG SEGFAULT
Error: Server closed the connection
- Check the log of the Redis instance after it crashes:
=== REDIS BUG REPORT START: Cut & paste starting from here ===
1710:M 07 Jan 20:58:01.324 # Redis 4.0.1 crashed by signal: 11
1710:M 07 Jan 20:58:01.324 # Crashed running the instruction at: 0x469cd0
1710:M 07 Jan 20:58:01.324 # Accessing address: 0xffffffffffffffff
1710:M 07 Jan 20:58:01.324 # Failed assertion: <no assertion failed> (<no file>...