Technical requirements
Since this chapter contains diagrams rather than code, my usual spiel about integrated development environments (IDEs) doesn’t apply. This time, we need a different set of tools. There are many tools for drawing UML diagrams. In the real world, a diagramming exercise often happens on a whiteboard. At several points throughout this chapter, I stop and challenge you to a diagramming exercise.
If you’d like to take up the gauntlet, you’ll need some way to create and work with UML diagrams. If you’ve never drawn a UML class diagram before, there is a brief tutorial in Appendix 2 of this book. A whiteboard is fine for ephemeral drawings, but for this book, my diagrams need to be a bit more permanent, so here’s what I’m using:
- A computer running the Windows operating system. I’m using Windows 10. Honestly, this doesn’t matter since diagramming tools are plentiful for all operating systems, and there...