Troubleshooting system migration problems
With reference to Chapter 6, System Migration of an Existing System to a Proxmox VE Cluster, we ran through all the steps to perform system migration. However, there are some minor configurations that will cause the migration process to fail.
The KVM machine cannot be migrated
Symptom: When you try to move your existing KVM machine from one server to another, you might encounter the following error:
ERROR: Failed to sync data - can't migrate local cdrom 'local:iso/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-minimal.iso'aborting phase 1 - cleanup resources
Root cause: This is a common mistake, especially if you want to move your KVM image after you have finished installing the operating system under your VM. The local mounted ISO image cannot be found in the target Proxmox server, and synchronizing this ISO image from the source to the target server also fails. Therefore, Proxmox stops this operation to avoid any data loss.
Solution: To solve this problem, we have two possible...