Spinner – different ways to provide input
The input component spinner
provides a numerical input via increment and decrement buttons.
How to do it…
A basic definition of the component would be as follows:
<p:spinner value="#{spinnerBean.intValue}" />
This will render an input textbox on the page, with controls to increase and decrease the value as shown in the following screenshot:
There's more…
The stepFactor
attribute defines the stepping factor that will be applied for each increment and decrement with the default value 1
. The following definition will increase or decrease the value by 0.5
<p:spinner value="#{spinnerBean.doubleValue}" stepFactor="0.5" />
Adding prefix and suffix
The prefix
and suffix
attributes provide the ability to place fixed strings on the input field as a prefix or suffix to the input respectively. The first definition will render the $
sign as a prefix, and the second one will render the %
sign as a suffix with the value of the input field:
<p:spinner value...